Getting Started

Features & Menus 2

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This section below will further breakdown the descriptions of the software available in the two tabs located in the Game Creator Preferences screen, for the RTS Module.

Keep in mind this is a summarized explanation of each mini software module. There will be specific guides and video for each unique mini module and its uses, as we get further into this guide.

RTS Module- Creators

Resource Maker-

This is the software that allows you to turn any properly setup game object (for example a cube, tree, mining node, etc.) , and turn it into a resource of your creation. More detailed Information can be found here.

Unit Maker-

This is the software that allows you to turn a Game Creator Character and turn it into a RTS Unit that you can control via mouse and mouse click commands.  This also allows you to set specific specs, or stats pertaining to your unique unit. More detailed Information can be found here.

AI Maker-

This is the software that allows you to add onto your Game Creator Character a bit of basic but extendable AI logic, that allows your RTS Units to follow specific instructions when your not directing them manually. More detailed Information can be found here.

Important to note this is used with Unit Maker to function, and does not work with out it.

Game State Maker-

This is the software that allows you to control the state of your Game that you design with our RTS Module. A Good example is this can be used to control how a game begins, (perhaps with a loading screen from a different scene, scene changes, or even how the Game will end, based off the conditions created by Scenario Maker. More detailed Information can be found here.

Scenario Maker-

This is the software that allows you to set very specific conditions for when an event would happen, what the resulting action will be. An example of this usage, would be setting a timer on game, or set a specific number of resources that must be collected to win, etc. More detailed Information can be found here.

Important to note this is used with Game State Maker to function, and does not work with out it.

RTS Module- Settings & Tools

Terrain Tool-

This is the software that allows you to create new terrain as well as modify existing Terrain. More detailed Information can be found here.

Important to note this allows you to create and modify terrain, but not add features like grass, or textures at this time.

Spawn Generator-

This is the software that allows you to spawn game object prefabs of your choosing at locations of your choosing with the option of radius as well. More detailed Information can be found here.

Important to note  that although this tool does spawn prefabs to areas you designate, its based off existing spawn locations you provide the tool, and its not automated at this time. In time automation will be added

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