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Software Menu / File Locations

Creation Screen

This is where you can easily create self-contained mini software applications (The Define Creator Pro Scriptable Objects)  to Locate applicable Namespaces you are seeking and then set Defines based if the software finds these Namespaces or not.  This further allows you then to customize your unique code to run specific code blocks, depending on if a certain namespace is located, via conditional compilation.

Specific Definition of each section are below in the “Feature Definitions Section”

Manager and Creator

The Defines Creator Pro Manager and Creator Editor allows you to not only perform all of the creation aspects noted above in the Creation Custom Editor but also allows you the ability to perform additional tasks such as:

  • Make additional (self-contained) files for distribution to multiple different software applications  you may be the creator of, where you have varying requirements, for Scriptable Define Symbols to be installed, depending on what application is being installed.
    • Example
      • You have Unity Instance A with software that you have coded for it
      • You have Unity Unity Instance B with different software you coded for it
      • Your software in the case of (Unity Instance A) may have different requirements on how to behave based on what’s installed, then, for example,  in the case of (Unity Instance B) where you have different software you created with possible different requirements or reactions to what is installed in that instance.
  • I wanted to ensure, that every possible use case and scenario could be covered within this custom Manager / Creation Editor  allowing for many features:
    • Each selected Define Creator Pro Scriptable Object can be:
      • Amended, Changed, Added to, and Saved, or Saved as new, via this editor
      • Can be exported as a Unity Package to be installed in a users system, if you are not including it with your normal Unity Package of software to be sent to Unity Asset Store
        • Normally you would simply include the file in your own pack for submission and not the asset store package. More on this will be explained in the Advanced Projects Area
      • Search current projects Namespaces and Defines, utilizing the current parameters for the selected Defines Creator Pro Scriptable Object
        • There are several use cases for this, including setting your own Scriptable Defines inside Project Settings
          • Much like individual developer projects would; More on this here.
          • There are several use cases for advanced development projects as well which can be found here.

Feature Definitions

Define Creator Pro Creation screen allows you the ability to add/change the following settings:

  • Namespace List
    • Add an unlimited number of Namespaces, that you would like the software to search for when this unique mini scriptable object application is enabled and run.
      • Example would be-
        • Vexstorm.Tools (as this is the Namespace, for the code I created inside this tool)
  • Defines List
    • Add an unlimited number of Defines, that you would like the software to add, based on the Namespaces located in the unique Unity Instance, it is run in.
      • Example would be-
        • Vexstorm_Tools_Found  (This example Define Symbols, which would then need to be placed in a code I create, blocking off code, based off if this specific define symbol is found or not
      • Important to note that the Namespace List and Defines List, operate in a 1 to 1 scenario. This means the following as an example:
        • What we search for in Namespace List (Element 0) then gets assigned the Defines List (Element 0) if it is found.
        • Based on the Namespace search of what is entered in the Namespace List (Element 0), if it finds what has been entered there, then the software will look to see what is entered for Defines List (Element 0), and then enter that into your Scripting Define Symbols (Project Settings –> Player  –> Scripting Compilation)
        • Then the user would have their own code, run differently or uniquely if it is located in this specific namespace. You would do this by adding a conditional compilation much like the example listed above (image) for Defines List)
        • This same logic, repeats for each “Element of Namespace List and Defines List”.  
          • Example
            • Element 0 to Element 0
            • Element 1 to Element 1 
            • and so on
  • File Name
    • Where you can set the name of the self-contained, Defines Creator Pro scriptable object you are creating
  • Initialize On Load
    • This gives you the ability to make each Defines Creator Pro scriptable object, truly self-contained, allowing it to be placed in any project, and on a load of Unity OR when the asset is imported, upon import, it will do the following
      • Self Install
      • Search for all Namespaces, and check if any match what is being searched for in the Namespace List
      • Set Defines inside the Project Settings –> Scripting Defines Symbols, based if matching Namespaces are located
      • Clean itself up, ensuring it’s not in a folder that would be included in a “Build“, and then go dormant (aka turns off its own AutoStart sequence, to ensure it runs only one time)
    • This would be the most common setting you should set as true. Alternatively, you can set when this software runs via, your own code, via a publicly accessible variable. More on this specifically in Advanced Projects here.
  • Append Number
    • This allows you to add a number at the end of a file name based on the number of Defines Creator Pro that is currently in the project.
      • This is useful for those that will need to make several to match the varied software assets they have developed
  • Make New File
    • This option only found inside the Defines Creator Pro Manager, allows you to take a currently selected Defines Creator Pro scriptable object that you are editing, and give it a name, append a number if you choose, then save it as the new name given, thus making it its own new file, retaining the original file at the same time.
  • Save Configuration / Save New Configuration
    • Saves the current file
  • Save As New File
    • Only found in the Defines Creator Pro Manager, and when you check the “Make New File” option. This allows you to save the current file, as a brand new, and different file, with a unique name ( and the option to append a number if so desired)
  • Export Selected Package
    • Does exactly what it says. Takes the custom Defines Creator Pro scriptable object you have currently selected, and exports it as its own Unity Asset, ready to be imported into a test, or live project.
      • This is not going to be commonly used aside from those that need it for troubleshooting several projects, or when a user does not include the scriptable object created, with their own software, when deploying to Asset Store, or internally.
      •  In most cases, you would rather have the scriptable object created included with your deployed software versus having the installation of both your unity asset store package, as well as this recently created unity asset package.
  • Search Namespaces and Set Defines
    • Useful for both Individual projects as well as Advanced software Projects and can only be found inside the Defines Creator Pro Manager
      • Allows the ability to take the currently selected Defines Creator Pro scriptable object and take its namespace list, compare it to what is installed (software assets inside of unity), and then set the required defines if any namespaces are in fact found, easily, manually from this interface
      • Use cases would be
        • Self-install define parameters your conditional code needs to know about, to run conditional compilation of your code for the project you are working in.
        • Debug and check if your own code is identifying the proper definition you are setting to install inside of Project Settings –> Scripting Define Symbols. (Usually in the case of asset store developers to make sure their deployments, run well with Defines Creator Pro scriptable object that they created from the software manager.)
  • Create New Defines Creator
    • As simple as it’s labeled. This opens up a new window to allow you to create a new Defines Creator Pro scriptable object..
  • Close Screen
    • As simple as the name suggests, it allows you to close the screen.

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