Master Server Toolkit

About this Guide

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 362 views

This Guides Purpose

This Guide is intended to serve as a “Best Practices Guide” for understanding how to overcome challenges, questions, and thoughts you may have when working with Master Server Toolkit.

This Guide assumes the following things about its readers:

  1. That you have a working knowledge of Unity and Multiplayer logic in general
  2. That you have a working knowledge of the Master Server Toolkit and some working knowledge in terms of coding. (C Script)
  3. That you understand, from a high level, how multiplayer games, communicate, between the game server, and the individual client players.
  4. That you understand, that although this is one way to do things, this is not the only way to create multiplayer logic or the only way to deploy your multiplayer game.

This Guide is not a TELL-ALL, complete guide on all the inner works of Unity, Master Server Toolkit, Multiplayer Games, or Coding in general. Instead this guide is to be used as a reference and best practice as it relates to Unity, MST, and Multiplayer Game development.

I hope this helps!

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Master Server Toolkit

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